About the Workshop
Doing improv with words is great, but there are times when it's best to put a sock in it. The Silent Soundtrack is a form that uses music, movement, facial expression, and stage picture to create unique and memorable scenes.
Let Alex Berg, a guy who responded way too personally to the I Think You Should Leave Jellybean sketch, guide you through a set of techniques that will help you perform the Silent Soundtrack AND help you out with spoken improv too.
Prerequisite: Students should have basic improv training.
Your Instructor
Alex "STFU" Berg

Alex Berg is a Los Angeles improviser who has spent an entirely unhealthy amount of time at UCB, and a perfectly healthy amount of time at various indie theatres throughout the City Of Angels.
You may know him from long running improv teams Convoy, Sentimental Lady, Sassy Bluff, or just as "that guy who said he'd come to the party then bailed last minute because of anxiety or something."
He's been on TV and in a movie or two, but listing those credits feels gauche, so instead we'll end the bio on this fun fact: He can't burp.